Statutory information

As a charitable company limited by guarantee, the Trust is defined by a number of key documents including: Articles of Association, Schemes of Delegation and Funding Agreements. In addition, the Trust is required to make public its accounts which are audited annually.  Versions on this website are unsigned as we do not publish signatures.

Annual financial accounts and reports

Our financial year matches the academic year, running from September through to August.

The majority of our funding comes direct from Government, based on the number of students in our schools; academies receive approximately the same per-pupil funding as local authority schools. We are grateful for donations and grants we receive.

We follow the Department for Education’s Academy Trust Handbook to ensure that the public money we are entrusted with is spent as fairly and efficiency as possible, and to the maximum benefit of our students.

We also have regard to the Charity Commission’s guidance on good practice for charities.

Inspira academy Trust was founded in April 2021. The first set of accounts were filed in December 2021.

Annual Reports and Accounts

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS – 01.09.2022 – 31.08.2023

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS – 01.09.2021 – 31.08.2022

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS – 01.04.2021 – 31.08.2021

Funding agreements 

Master Funding Agreement

Supplementary – Chartham Primary School

Supplementary – St Stephen’s Infant School

Governance documentation

Scheme of Delegation

Certificate of Incorporation

Articles and Memorandum of Association 

Statutory Leadership Pay (over £100K)

The number of employees whose employee benefits (excluding employer pension costs) exceeding £100,000 is:

£100,000 – £110,000 0

£110,000 – £120,000 1

Statutory governance information

Registers and information about our trustees can be found in Governance section, linked below.

Governance information